
Tag Archive for: Emily Stamm

Beginner Drawing

Develop basic drawing skills in a simple and disciplined manner. Learn perspective, composition, foreshortening, anatomy, line quality and shading through the use of still lifes, masters, and figure studies.

Instructor:  Emily Stamm

Supply List

All Supplies Included

Home School Art 1

Meet other homeschoolers beginning or advancing their exposure to art. Practice drawing and gain composition skills, then paint. Explore the fundamentals of each medium and build a groundwork for further understanding and study. 

Instructor:  Emily Stamm

Supply List

All Supplies Included

Beginner Drawing – short course

Develop basic drawing skills in a simple and disciplined manner. Learn perspective, composition, foreshortening, anatomy, line quality and shading through the use of still lifes, masters, and figure studies.

Instructor:  Emily Stamm

Supply List

All Supplies Included

Art Refresher Bootcamp

Explore different art mediums with a new instructor each week. Emily Stamm will teach Beginner Drawing, Stephanie Barker will show you Beginner Acrylic, Gabrielle Siekman will guide you through Beginner Oil, and lastly, Sarah Rocheleau will instruct Beginner Watercolors.  Join us for this one-of-a-kind class.

Instructors:  Emily Stamm, Sarah Rocheleau, Gabrielle Siekman, Stephanie Barker

Supply List

All Supplies Included

Home School Art 1

Meet other homeschoolers beginning or advancing their exposure to art. Practice drawing and gain composition skills, then paint. Explore the fundamentals of each medium and build a groundwork for further understanding and study. 

Instructor:  Emily Stamm

Supply List

All supplies are included.

Beginner Drawing

Develop basic drawing skills in a simple and disciplined manner. Learn perspective, composition, foreshortening, anatomy, line quality and shading through the use of still lifes, masters, and figure studies.

Instructor:  Emily Stamm

Supply List

All supplies are included.